Viktor Ohád

Software Developer

I am a software developer committed to continuous learning and improvement. I can build applications from the ground up and I am a very product driven developer.

GitHub @Brailor



Senior Software Engineer Sep 2020 - Present

Instructure is the maker of Canvas which is a learning management platform. While I was working here I was involved in the development of the Instructure design-system/component library, which is an open-source React based project.

Used technologies: React, Node.js, Lit, Webpack, ESBuild, TypeScript, Git/GitHub, GitHub Actions

  • Played a significant role in the migration of a 200k+ line-of-code React project from JavaScript to TypeScript
  • Involved in collaboration efforts with accessiblity experts and designers to ensure quality user experience for our users
  • Developed and maintained the CI workflows using GitHub Actions
  • Accelerated the build process for the project with 100+ packages by parallelizing and simplifying the process, resulting in a 2x speed improvement
  • Mentored intern team member and helped colleagues
  • Involved in the process of laying down the architechture of a new web component based design system using Lit

Danubius Informatika

Full-stack Developer Nov 2019 - Sep 2020

I worked on a team responsible for developing a learning and teaching platform for Belgian schools, Scoodle. I started working as a frontend developer, but later on I started picking up backend tasks as well.

Used technologies: React, Webpack, TypeScript, C#, Azure DevOps, MSSQL, Git

  • Contributed to both the frontend and backend implementation of a French grammar learning module for Scoodle

Lufthansa Systems Hungária

JavaScript Developer Jul 2017 - Oct 2019

At Lufthansa I worked on various projects, primarily focused on the client-side development of web applications.

Used technologies: Ext.js, React, Node.js, TypeScript, Git

  • I was working on a project called MyDutyTrip that allowed the employees of airlines to make duty and leisure bookings (flight, taxi, hotel etc.)
  • Authored technical posts on improving React application performance for an internal blog
  • Was the lead frontend developer of a team of 3 frontend developers for a greenfield project


JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust
Frontend Development
HTML, CSS, React, Lit, Next.js, Webpack/ESBuild/Vite
Backend Development
Node.js, Prisma
CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Vercel, Netlify


Hungarian: Native speaker
English: Fluent